The Face


Meet Mikayla, the face of Kathy Spence Portrait.

When I first met this beauty she was a  humble, shy, sweet, timid teen that assisted my daughter's first year of dance class.  There was something about her, a light, a spark, that "star quality" that you read about in magazines.  I never thought that term was real, until I met Mikayla.

Fast forward a few years and I come to learn that she is the most amazing talent.  Watching her dance is breathtaking.  On stage it is as if a spotlight is always on her, the way your eye is drawn to that spirit.  

AND she can sing.  Really sing. Her voice is deep, strong and moving.  Keep an ear out for her first single, "Good Enough" which she also wrote.  Seriously?  I know, right?

She was born to perform, she is a natural on stage and in front of the camera.  Most inspiring is that she is following her dreams. 

She is one of the reasons I love my job.  So grateful for the opportunity to meet such amazing people!

I know that I will be buying tickets to see her on tour one day very soon!

I wish you all the luck in the world, Beauty!  You are beyond talented and the sweetest person, ever!  xo