5 Ways to Boost your Brand on Instagram


When it comes to social media, my favourite platform is Instagram.  It is one of the most powerful platforms to create and build a personal brand. This app makes it so easy to connect with your target audience and market your products or services. 

And it’s free!

Most of my clients come to me with the same question,

“How do I stand out on social media?”

In this digital world, it seems these platforms are so saturated and noisy. Everyone is selling something or desperately trying to get your attention.

So how do you differentiate yourself from your competition?

The answer is your Personal Brand.  And Instagram is a great platform to start building your audience.

If you are just starting out, or if you have an account that is not getting the engagement you would like, let’s look at the 5 things you can do right now to Boost Your Brand on Instagram.


A common mistake I see entrepreneurs make on Instagram is that their profile photo does not show who they are.  Or even worse, doesn’t show them at all. Instead, there is a photo of a flower or a dog or something unrecognizable where their headshot should be. Think of your profile photo like your business card, or logo.  Like the Nike swoosh.

It should be a simple, clean and high quality (photographer tip: blurry won’t do!)  I often suggest a headshot image, from the waist up, not a full body.  Remember to connect with your audience, they have to see your face!

If you don’t have any images that will fit the criteria, then I recommend investing in a professional brand photographer who will help you realize the vision for your brand.  I happen to know a really good one!  ;-)

If you’re really serious about building your brand, professional photos are worth the investment.


Your bio is the second most important part of your Instagram appearance.

Why? Because you have less than 5 seconds to convince someone that you’re worth their time.

Some of my entrepreneur clients are confused here.  In an effort to build a PERSONAL Brand, they add things to their bio like “Dog Mama” or “Unbalanced Libra” in an effort to connect with people.

Your audience is interested in how you can help THEM.

It is essential to include a statement that explains what you do, who you help and the benefit of working with you over your competitor.

I have a formula to help you craft a concise brand statement.

I also recommend a call to action.  If you do not have a free offer or download yet, the link to your website or where they can find you is essential.


You may think you’re being authentic, but you may not be.

I’ve struggled with this myself, so this is from my heart.  

Be Real.  The person you are showing on your social platforms should be the person you are in real life.  With all your quirks and eccentricities.  

If one of your followers becomes a client, the goal is for them to say, ‘Wow, you are exactly how you are on social! I feel like we’ve known each other for years!”

If you are weird.  Stay weird.  Do not try to be someone you are not.

And never EVER copy someone else. If you never use the word “boo” in real conversation, it should not be in your messaging. Just because some successful entrepreneur you follow talks like that, doesn’t mean you have to follow suit.

It took me a long time, to embrace myself and accept myself and then show up as myself.  I’m an introvert and I like my privacy.  So sharing on the internet was very difficult for me.

What I have learned in business & in life is that only way to attract your ideal clients is to show up as YOU.  It is the only way to build real connection and relationships.  And that is the foundation of a successful business & brand.


I’m sure you’ve heard about the dreaded ALGORITHM.

In a nutshell, the Instagram Gods will promote your content based on how you use the platform.  Since people consume content on the internet in  different ways, you will be rewarded if you are utiliziling all the tools.

For instance, there are people who prefer to watch IGTV instead of reading long captions.  Others prefer to catch a quick LIVE video over watching an endless stream of IG Stories. 

Therefore, you need to use all the features on the platform to boost engagement. This way, you will appeal to various audiences based on their preferred mode of content consumption.

I recommend this method to start:

At least one 60 second  IGTV video once a week

At least one LIVE once a week

Stories as often as possible

1-3 posts to your grid a week

The more consistent you can be, the better.

Commit to what you know you can execute.  If you know you can consistently post once a week to your grid.  Do that.  Once a week consistently for a year will yield better results then trying to do it all, getting overwhelmed and not doing anything at all.

5.  Consistency is KEY

Have you ever started a diet after the New Year and gave up after 4 days because you didn’t lose any weight?

Instagram is like that.  Consider it a lifestyle change.

The game is long.  

In order to see results, you will have to show up consistently, everyday.

Even when you don’t feel like it, or you don’t see a change.

Just like you made the commitment to be an entrepreneur.

You still keep going on the hard days.

I hope you found this helpful.  My advice is to try not to take it too seriously, and make Instagram fun.

The more fun you are having, the more relaxed and authentic you will be.

Remember, Beauty…I’m cheering  for you, and I’m here to help.

xo, k